Lifegate Kids Registration Form

Child's details

Parent/Guardian Information:

Preferred Contact:


I understand that if urgent medical attention is needed, that every effort will be made to contact the persons listed on this form. In the event that I cannot be contacted in an emergency, I give my permission for my child to receive necessary medical treatment.

Emergency Contact

In case of emergency and the Parent/Guardian is unable to be contacted, please provide an emergency contacts different to those above.


Permission and Indemnity Section

Please read the following points and select your response for each section.

Information and Media

Child pick-up

Name of any person NOT permitted to contact or collect the child during the program:

Parent/Guardian's signature:

By submitting this form, I agree that the information supplied has been completed truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that Lifegate Church will keep these records on file for ministry purposes only.

Lifegate Church is a Christian Church where we teach on finding Freedom and Purpose through Jesus. Kids Ministry will include teaching times where we will introduce your child to Jesus.

Note: when Lifegate is mentioned within this document it covers all Lifegate Campuses.

Kathryn Reed

Kids Pastor

Lifegate Church

P: 02 9772 2537
